WordPress.com “It Takes Seconds and is Free!” (maybe)
It took a while for me to notice, but recently I’ve noticed that some google ad-words have been popping up on this site without me having any control over whether they appear (or where they appear).
A quick trip over to the wordpress forums and in less than 5 minutes I had my answer. WordPress has been testing the placement of ads on member sites since September, and only those reading the wordpress.com blog headlines would know.
Given that WordPress.com is providing the webspace, backups, and an entire blogging platform at the cost of an ad-word here and there — it’s not all that bad. For a while I was able to search for certain Small Time Landlord post titles in google, click through and see the ad-words near the top of my posts.
As of this writing, I haven’t been able to reproduce the ad-word placement on these pages, but let me know if you see them. =)
More blogs about small time landlord.